Monday 23 November 2009

Not so perfect

Things are definitely on the up. which is good.
But there always seems to be something that rears its ugly head and brings you back down that wee bit.
Its something I thought I had sorted, and its a problem that's all in my head, which of course makes it all the more harder to overcome because its me, no one else that can sort it out. D helps all he can of course, and he is wonderful, but at the end of the day, I need to sort myself out.

Aaaaaanyway. Enough cryptic blogging.

Things are on the up, I cannot expect everything to fall into place perfectly overnight, and some things are going to take time and effort. I just need to stand up, grow up and take responsibility for myself and get my backside into gear.
Thankfully because things are on the up and things are seeming to be going in the right direction, it makes dealing with all the little problems so much easier. :)

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