Monday 16 November 2009

This morning...

My Magic 8 Ball told me I should look for another job.
It also said I should not get off my backside and start making stuff to try and make a bit of extra cash, and that I would never be able to reduce my hours at work.

Not the answers I was looking for.

So, why when I wake up feeling so crappy, did I ask the magic 8 ball these questions? Because I am scared of the responsibility of doing it all myself I guess. What if it all goes wrong? There will be no one to blame but myself.
Yes, its grown up to take responsibility for your actions, but I don't want to be a grown up!

I have a crappy empty feeling inside me today. Perhaps its the weather, perhaps its because I'm tired. It could be 101 different things. One thing I do know, is that I'm completely and utterly fed up and I don't know how to shake the feeling.

And last week I was feeling so good!! bleurgh.

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