Monday 26 October 2009

Best laid plans

So the plan to sort the front room this weekend did not turn out as planned. Instead Saturday, while D is at football, I decided I wanted to make a start on the spare room... the most cluttered, messy and the official dumping room of the house.
the first few minutes started well, then i decided I wanted to move the desk in front of the window. A couple of hours later I seem to be trapped in the corner of the room, stuff all over the floor.
I'm sat on a chair, completely worn out (not sure moving furniture on my own constitutes as 'taking it easy' as instructed my my doctor!) looking despairingly at the disaster I have caused, I decide there is only one cause of action... Go to bed until D gets home and rope him into helping me sort it all out. Poor chap!

Anyway, D gets home to find me curled up on the bed, after he had clambered over the boxes etc on the landing (I had to move them somewhere to get out the spare room)
he helps me get all the junk in some sort of order, and the plans for the front room Sunday go out the window and we finish the spare room.

I am please to say its done! apart from 2 small boxes we have cleared the spare room. Yes it still needs redecorating, yes I broke some plaster off the wall when removing a shelf, and yes my craft stuff still could do with a thorough sort through. But in general, its done. its clear. I have a desk which I can use (and I did, to sew a new cushion for the desk chair) a floor you can see and a sofa bed, that should anyone want to stop over, can actually be folded out so they have somewhere to sleep!

and it only took a day and a half, for the worst room in the house (not including the loft... thats another kettle of fish entirely!) so the rest of the rooms should take a day at most. Which is a very encouraging thought. at this rate we might actually have a more peaceful, relaxing, workable house by Xmas!

Wonderful. x

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